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Is Tea Safe During Pregnancy?

Writer's picture: A Girl With TeaA Girl With Tea

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

Is Tea Safe During Pregnancy Cover

Tea is an extremely popular beverage all over the world. It's often regarded as a healthier alternative to coffee and other caffeinated beverages. There are also a lot of different reasons why people consume tea. Whether it’s to increase fluid intake, caffeine levels, relieve nausea or vomiting, or to decompress after a long day, there is a tea for it.

Many pregnant women enjoy tea, some even use it as a natural way to remedy pregnancy related symptoms. Many regard tea to be safe to consume during pregnancy, in this article we’ll differentiate what teas are considered safe to consume and what teas to avoid during pregnancy.

Is Tea Okay During Pregnancy?

You’re more than likely reading this wondering “is drinking tea safe during pregnancy?” Generally, most caffeinated tea is ok during pregnancy as long as its use doesn’t exceed the recommended daily caffeine intake of 300 mg. If you happen to be sensitive to caffeine, it’s recommended that you consume under 100 mg a day.

Herbal Teas Vs. Non Herbal Teas

A non herbal tea is often made from the leaves of specific plants and hosts a high caffeine level. Herbal teas on the other hand, are created from the berries, roots, flowers, seeds AND leaves of a number of different plants, not only from tea plant leaves. Most “true” herbal teas do not contain caffeine and can be used as a natural medicinal remedy for certain ailments.

Is Herbal Tea Safe During Pregnancy?

As a general rule, pregnant women should choose teas that are made from fruits and herbs normally/regularly used in cooking.

Most health professionals will typically advise pregnant women to avoid the consumption of herbal tea though. Some herbal teas have even been linked to pregnancy complications. Make sure to contact your healthcare provider before trying any herbal teas to find out what will be safe for you and your baby.

Some herbal teas that can cause pregnancy concerns include:

  • Fennel Tea (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Licorice Tea (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Fenugreek Tea (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Sage Tea (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Vervain Tea (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Borage Tea (Birth Defects) (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Pennyroyal Tea (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Motherwort Tea (Menstrual Bleeding) (Birth Defects) (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Thyme Tea (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Lovage Tea (Menstrual Bleeding) (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Blue Cohosh Tea (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Black Cohosh Tea (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Frankincense Tea (When Intaking Large Amounts) (Menstrual Bleeding) (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

  • Chamomile Tea (When Intaking Large Amounts) (Miscarriage/Preterm Labor)

Some herbal teas that are considered safe during pregnancy include:

  • Raspberry Leaf Tea

  • Peppermint Tea

  • Ginger Tea

  • Lemon Balm Tea

These teas are considered to be safe during pregnancy. Again, if you are pregnant and want to try these teas, please consult with your healthcare provider beforehand to make sure that it will be safe for both you and your baby.

Caffeinated Teas During Pregnancy | Caffeine In Tea

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that should be limited/avoided during pregnancy. Green teas, white teas, black teas, matcha, chai, and oolong teas are all made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant which contains caffeine.

Caffeine Per 240ml Cup:

  • Oolong Tea (38mg-58mg)

  • Matcha (60 mg-80mg)

  • Black Tea (47mg–53mg)

  • Chai (47mg –53mg)

  • White Tea (25mg–50mg)

  • Green Tea: (29mg–49mg)

A baby’s immature liver during pregnancy has difficulty breaking down caffeine. Research shows that infants exposed to excess caffeine during pregnancy may have a higher risk of being born preterm, with birth defects or with a low birth weight.

Teas To Drink During Pregnancy | Pregnancy Safe Teas

Teas that are generally safe to drink include:

Ginger tea has been used by pregnant women to ease morning sickness, which has shown to be a safe and effective method. However there are studies that show it can increase the chances of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy and may affect fetal sex hormones.

Green Tea: Is drinking green tea during pregnancy safe? Green teas (including matcha teas) are considered to be safe to drink during pregnancy. With less caffeine than a cup of coffee, a cup of green tea only has around 29mg–49mg of caffeine.

It's important to limit green tea to 2-3 cups a day. This is because green tea contains catechins which prevents your cells from fully absorbing folic acid. The absorption of folic acid is necessary during pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects.

Peppermint Tea: Drinking peppermint tea while pregnant is generally safe. A lot of women use it to calm an upset stomach. Be aware that peppermint has been linked to heartburn and can exacerbate the symptoms of individuals prone to acid reflux.

Black & White Teas: these are considered to be safe to consume in moderation during pregnancy. There is more caffeine in black & white teas than the previously listed teas and can make you reach the “200mg/daily” fairly quickly.

Is Drinking Tea During Pregnancy Safe?

Bottom line, drinking tea while pregnant is fairly safe but only after consulting with your doctor. Remember to keep your daily caffeine content under 200mg a day and stay away from the aforementioned teas.



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